3 Videos For Your Top Foot & Ankle Questions
Every day we answer questions about foot and ankle pain of all sorts. Obviously, your particular situation will be unique to you. However, we’ve provided answers to some of the most common questions here with some brief videos. If you want to dive deeper into the topics, click the button below each video to read an article dedicated solely to the topic.
-Team Elton
How can you prevent common foot conditions?
How Long Does a Sprained Ankle Take To Heal?
How Long Does a Sprained Ankle Take to Heal? Dr. JP Elton, Foot & Ankle Specialist and Orthopaedic Surgeon answers the question here today.
What is Ankle Arthritis?
When we refer to arthritis we are referring to inflammation and swelling which causes stiffness and/or pain. Arthritis actually means "joint inflammation."
For more videos and education from Orthopaedic Surgeon/Foot and Ankle Specialist Dr. JP Elton, visit his YouTube Page here.