Payment Information

Fee’s & Payments



Co-Pays & Deductibles

Many insurance carriers require that we collect co-pays and/or deductibles from the patient. Federal laws, as well as our individual agreements with the insurance carriers we are contracted with, prohibit us from waiving these fees.

Payment Plans

If you are uninsured or are responsible for a portion of your services, you will be expected to make payment at the time of service. If you are unable to pay your portion at the time of your visit, please contact our business department prior to your appointment to discuss payment options. Failure to do so may require us to reschedule your appointment. Our business department will make every effort to arrange a reasonable payment schedule for the services you require.


In the event that you or your insurance company has overpaid on an account, we will process a refund check for the appropriate payee in a timely manner.

Prescriptions & Renewals

Please request all prescriptions and authorizations during our regular office hours, when we can fully access patient records. Requests during regular business hours require 24-48 hour notice. Renewals requested at other times may be filled only for extreme or emergent circumstances.