Why Are My Feet Swollen?


Swollen Feet and Ankles can effect anyone

Many people have dealt with swollen ankles and feet. We use these uber-important parts of our body every day in every way. Walking, running, lifting, jumping— to say that our feet and ankles are important for everyday living is a true understatement.

And when it comes to sports, from the world's top athletes to the ultimate armchair quarterbacks, it's the same story.

Swollen feet & ankles are a condition that can affect anyone.

Not Always Caused By Overuse

You might think that your swollen feet come from just plain using them too much. This may be true in some cases. But swollen feet aren't always caused by overuse.

And they aren’t always caused by the same condition.

Because of this, we want to evaluate your swollen feet carefully, because they can be anywhere on the spectrum from a minor annoyance to a symptom of a major issue-in-the-making.

What is Peripheral Edema?

Peripheral Edema is a fancy scientific way of saying... swollen feet, legs, and ankles.

Usually when we see a peripheral endema, it’s due to the a buildup of fluid. This causes the swelling in most cases.

As stated earlier, sometimes this is the effect of overworking the lower body. But a other times, it's the result of injury.

Is The Swelling From Injury, or Overuse?

Differentiating between the two scenarios is key to evaluating whether you have a one-time problem, or something more indicative of a long term issue requiring treatment.

Let's talk about some of the common causes of foot and ankle swelling.

Common Causes of Foot and Ankle Swelling

1. Injuries to the Foot and Ankles

Swollen Feet are a major indicator of injury. Spraining an ankle is one of the more common examples here. You'll know it when you've sprained your ankle. But there are three grades of ankle sprain. Why does this matter? Your mobility and recovery time depend upon whether you've sustained a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd degree sprain.

2. Lymphedema

Lymphedema is when the lymphatic fluid of the tissues builds up and blocks movement of the fluid. This can get scary because it can lead to infections. We don’t want that. Lymphedema can also impair the healing process of a wound or injury. We don’t want that, either.

Who is at Risk For Lymphedema?

Patients who have undertaken treatment for cancers are at risk for lymphedema. This is due to the removal of lymph nodes which are responsible for trapping and destroying unwanted bacteria. If this is you, make sure you visit your doctor as soon as possible to mitigate the risk of further infection.

3. An Infection

If you are experiencing swelling and you haven't had an injury, you may have an infection.

When it comes to the feet and ankles, infections are more common in people with diabetes. But why is this true?

Nerve damage in diabetics can decrease pain sensitivity in the feet. Which in turn can lead to sores and blisters (also more common in diabetics) becoming infected.

My advice once again: contact a doctor if you think you have swelling due to an infection. Especially if you are diabetic.

Other Causes of Foot and Ankle Swelling

The above listed are more frequent, but here are a few other potential reasons that you may be experiencing swollen feet and ankles:

  • Blood Clot

  • Side Effects from Medications

  • Venous insufficiency (inadequate blood flow through the veins)

  • Heart, Live, or Kidney Disease

The key here is to have a good idea of what your personal health profile looks like. If you start experiencing a problem, you will be able to track it back to the source.

How Can I Reduce Swelling and Pain From a Swollen Ankle or Foot from a sports injury?

I get this question from athletes quite a bit. If you have a grade one sprain, the ligaments stretch but don't tear. This makes it possible to for the injury to heal with more speed.

Here's what we recommend:

  • Give the injury a bit of rest

  • Ice the injury with cold wraps or ice packs

  • Use a bandage to compress the ankle

  • Elevate the foot and ankle

If the pain and swelling continues or becomes worse, put in a call to your foot and ankle specialist.

Good luck!